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The First Egg!

Polly laid her first egg a few days ago. It was a very exciting event. I had enjoyed having the chickens around so much that I had almost forgotten that they would start laying at some point!

We knew it was Polly who had laid, as the egg was light-coloured, so must have been one of the Light Sussexes (not the Marans, who should lay dark brown eggs), and she is the only one with a bright red comb and wattles.

What a beautiful, perfectly formed little egg!

...and it was a double yolker!

Unfortunately the second attempt was not quite so successful - she laid it on her perch so it fell to the floor and splatted. It also had a very soft shell. Young chickens apparently do take a while to get into their egg-laying groove, and often produce wonky and soft eggs for a while.

Her attempts yesterday and today were much better, and today we found a mystery second egg too! So, we have another layer, but I am not sure who! It is quite pale, suggesting the other Light Sussex, Wendy, but she looks pretty immature. Maybe it was Pecky Sue, one of our Marans, but she hasn't sorted out her shell pigment yet? A mystery so far...

We used a few of the eggs for blueberry pancakes for breakfast. A hungry toddler and dog look on (and I know, I need to clean my simmering plate cover!):

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