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Mists and mellow fruitfulness

Autumn has arrived at the Old Sheep Farm. A few weeks ago the trees on the hill turned golden, and mists started rolling in from the sea. The hawthorn bushes are full of fruit, and we still have a good haul of blackberries whenever we go picking!

We have had some successes in our vegetable garden (but many more failures!). The best vegetable by far has been the peas - and I don't think it is a coincidence that this was the only crop we planted after the drought had ended. The lettuces weren't bad either!

We also planted a few old seeding potatoes up by the stables. We didn't expect anything from them (and also lost where we had planted them!) as they had spent four months in the car before planting because we forgot about them. Surprisingly, when we dug about, we unearthed a nice little crop! Willow was so proud of them she had to show the chickens, who were most interested:

I can't say our apples have been very successful, though...although Willow looks very pleased with these apples here, these are actually the only two in our entire apple orchard (and they tasted pretty horrendous)!

The kitchen garden is getting covered in mountains of beech leaves from our big old beech tree. Its starting to look a little weather-beaten, but the asters are still brightening it up!

Its looking autumnal up above the Old Sheep Farm too. The sheep have been moved down ready for winter.

And inside the Old Sheep Farm, the woodburner is going full-pelt, much to the Pig's delight...

The clocks going back and the start of yet another full lockdown meant we could not resist turning the Aga back on, even though we had promised ourselves we would wait until and blackberry crumble tonight!

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