Our neighbours gave us a marrow in return for some eggs. Willow was very pleased with it.
After it had been carried around, put to bed, been ridden by a teddy, lost then found under the sofa, it was time to cook it!
I fancied doing something a bit more unusual than the obligatory stuffed marrow. So, enter a most magnificent Marrow Cake!
I had tried to make a courgette cake once before and it was horrific in its dreadfulness. Primarily because I didn't squeeze out enough liquid from the grated courgette before putting it in the cake mixture. It turned out like a slightly-sweet omlette.
However, this one was perfect! It tasted exactly like carrot cake, and was light and spicy with lots of cinnamon. I added raisins and pecans to the mixture which were delicious. It may even make it into my recipe book for next year's marrow season!