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Keeping ourselves busy at the Old Sheep Farm

Well, two full-time jobs, full-time childcare and renovation works are kind of keeping us busy right now. But we still have a little time for a spot of potterin', monkeyin' moochin' and dibble-dabblin'....

Some kids have paddling pools. Poor Willow has, well, a baking tray. She doesn't know any different - look at that smile!

Rich is slowly working his way through Jamie Oliver's Veg cookbook, and documenting his progress. They have been pretty much all delicious, and helps us get through our weekly veg box delivered by the Tatws Man (tatws is potato in Welsh...poor old Tatws Man has a name, that is not "Tatws" as far as I recall, but I can never remember what it is!). Its lovely eating things that are in season from the vegetable box, although there was a short period in the winter when things were distressingly swedey. We came out the other side of "Swede Month" relatively unscathed, but we are certainly loving the tomatoes, lettuces and baby cucumbers right now!

And of course, the chickens are providing a lovely distraction. Now they are gaining confidence, they turn up in all sorts of places like a naughty gang of old ladies, marauding around poking their beaks into everything. Here they are 'helping' me pot up my cosmos seedlings one sunny evening:

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