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Al-fresco sun terrace transformation

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

We have now transformed the outside of our holiday cottages, from damp tumbledown animal shed used to store the bins, to a swanky sun terrace and al fresco dining area for our cottage guests.

Here are a few 'before' photos. The picnic tables on the slate chipping patios were fine, but there was a lot of wasted space to the right which had a lot of potential...

Demolition underway - removing rotting railway sleepers and getting ready to move a most gigantic rambling rose, which was rather a prickly job!

One lovely thing about living up here is that it feels so rural and 'away from it all'...but that is also one of the annoying things about living up here, as we can't get any big deliveries up the road! So, to get our paving slabs, we had to enlist the help of our local friendly farmer and his big tractor...

Paving underway...

Replacing the old slate shale with top soil, ready for turf!

Turf planted - and a big transformation! Can't beat some window mirrors and fairy lights...

And here is the finished result. dad might make us a pergola over the table one day...but finished for now! The chickens were busy checking it out:

We made some big planters out of decking boards and painted them black, before filling them with summer annuals. This is a photo of attempt number two...the first planting fell victim to some rogue sheep. After some tears (mine!) and chasing the miscreants down the road shouting like a crazy lady, we went to the garden centre for a rescue mission!

Rich made the giant dining table and bench out of scaffolding boards and some metal legs. Perfect for a summer's barbecue party! The window mirrors give the illusion of a window through the old stone wall into the damson orchard beyond, and give it a slightly castle-like feel!

Rich's pride and joy - the fire pit with various roasting dishes and spits etc. for the adventurous cook! I think it looks quite medieval...

Its pretty in the evenings, with the fairy lights and a glass of something bubbly!

Its a big change from before and I am really pleased with it! Now just to keep those pesky sheep out...

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